3 Best Business Idea. Investing In 3 Sectors Will Bring Guaranteed Returns With Profits.

 Assalamualaikum views, hope you all are well. By the infinite mercy of Almighty Allah, I am also fine inshallah.

The price of oil has gone up, the price of the dollar has gone up, the value of the money has gone down, so what will the investor do.?! Where to invest, where or will be the place of trust. The way the price of the dollar has increased, now if you keep the money in the bank, the profit is far away, the money is decreasing from the capital. You may be able to leave your money at home, it may not depreciate the capital, but the value of the capital will decrease at the rate at which commodity prices or the value of the dollar rise.

What will you capital do during this economic recession..?!

In this situation, you should invest your capital in such a sector that the return does not decrease from the capital.

So today I will give you three guidelines in Tari Darabahikat which will give you guaranteed return on your invested capital with profits if you invest in those sectors.

The price of oil has gone up, the price of the dollar has gone up, the value of the money has gone down, so what will the investor do.?! Where to invest, where or will be the place of trust. The way the price of the dollar has increased, now if you keep the money in the bank, the profit is far away, the money is decreasing from the capital. You may be able to leave your money at home, it may not depreciate the capital, but the value of the capital will decrease at the rate at which commodity prices or the value of the dollar rise.

01. Convert your money to fixed assets

Many people have two or three crore rupees in the bank but it is seen that every year the deposited money decreases in percentage rate. So in this situation convert your capital into fixed assets.

» Invest your capital in flats. 

It will be more profitable if you can see the working zone and the surrounding area while taking the flat. If you invest in a flat, you can get a monthly rent as well as a profit on the sale of the flat. Because the price of the flat will never decrease.

» Invest your capital in land.

Forward to select a place while buying land. Because the price increases day by day in developed areas. In this case, it is better to select a prospective place forward. Such as any sink or some place like this. By doing this, you can buy the places at a lower price, which will return twice as much at one time.

 02 Invest your capital in the stock market.

Currently the stock market is very bad. In some sectors the price of each share is very low price. You can use this space. One technique, when China is booming but oil prices are low, China stockpiles large amounts of oil. And when the price of oil goes up, they make more profit. By learning from this, you can also buy shares of good companies with the advice of an expert. From which you can get good returns after a certain period of time. And since shares are not a fixed asset, you can sell them during any financial crisis and get a guaranteed return on your invested money with profit.

03. Convert your capital into gold

During this economic downturn I think you should convert your money into gold, because gold is an asset whose price has never gone down. It's growing all the time.

You see that gold is running at a very high price now, but the price of gold will increase in the future. If you can keep buying gold, after two or three years you will find that the price of gold has increased by two or three percent from the price you bought it. And selling gold is much easier than buying and selling other properties. By doing this you can sell golden during any financial crisis and get guaranteed return of your invested money with profit.

 So the three guidelines that I have given today, those who want to keep their earned money at a rate and that its value does not decrease in the future, they can follow these 03 guidelines. If you take these steps, inshallah you will be able to save your money.

This is my short suggestion if anyone likes it but they can benefit by doing this. Who of you liked this short suggestion of mine and who will follow please comment and if you know anything please comment. Everyone will be fine.

And a request to you is to pray five times and ask others for Jamaaj.

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