Most largest planets and their description
NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, SOHO, observes the Sun by looking for its auroral activity. The instrument observes all of the Sun's magnetic fields and sunspots at once. Using this information and the solar wind data, the spacecraft can measure how much water vapor is present in the atmosphere of the Sun. It then uses that to understand what kind of radiation the Sun emits and how that may affect the climate on our planet. The most recent mission was launched in 2016 and will be continuing until 2027. This article lists the ten largest planets in our galaxy along with their description. Most largest planets and their description
Jupiter (Jupiters) is a gas giant located in
the asteroid belt around the sun. When viewed from Earth's surface, it looks
like a massive orange ball sitting inside a blue sphere. An extreme close up
view shows Saturn as the brightest object in the night sky and it is so bright
that it makes the moon look smaller and brighter. Astronomers consider the
moon, Mars, and even Uranus are more active than they are. However, Jupiter has
the highest number of times that an object has been observed by the Hubble
Space Telescope. This satellite orbits one of the biggest gas giants on the
entire Solar System and at its center it orbits closer to the Sun than any other
planet. Its total mass is about 12.6 billion tonnes. A day on Jupiter will last
13 minutes and it takes only 5.4 days for a full orbit to the Sun. Jupiter
usually consists of liquid methane ice.
• Pluto
This dwarf planet, which is also called
Cheetah or Dwarf Planet is the third-biggest body in our solar system. It has a
diameter of only 0.6 miles. As much as Pluto is not very large, yet it is
nearly the size of a small city. Pluto has a surface area of just 9,000 square miles.
Although there are many things about Pluto including its geology and
composition, none of them are surprising. Pluto is made entirely of metal and
it has no internal structure. There are four major crustal plates on the
planet. They include two tectonic plates, a continental plate, and a mantle.
Its core is made up of basalt rock, but it is currently still molten.
Scientists do not know anything else about Pluto apart from it being mysterious
and it has a unique interior. Due to its very thin crustal shell, Pluto has the
same temperature as land ice would have if it were solid enough to hold onto
the oceans. While some people may think that the only reason Pluto is small; it
does not mean it actually is not interesting due to all the amazing science that
the telescope space has to offer. Some people think Pluto should not be in our
list because it has no gravity. But again, Pluto has many things to see which
give it different characteristics compared with other planets. One thing that
they could possibly miss out on is life, as soon as they explore the surface of
Pluto they will discover whether life exists. By putting the camera down we can
see Pluto and explore the outside world. In addition to this we can observe
several moons, which may even take us closer in time to Earth through Venus. I
think we should keep in mind that other objects in our closest star system or
planets to go near Pluto is dangerous. Another thing is Pluto has long ago
melted away. Although I do not believe he could have survived the impact it had
on the inner side of our solar system.
• Mercury
Mercury is located deep between the Earth and
the Moon. It occupies about 25% of the known exosphere- Mercury’s magnetic
field is very strong, but it moves too quickly to have a stable magnetic field.
Since 2014, Venus and Mercury’s position and distance have been relatively
constant. Just like Earth and Titan, Mercury rotates once every five days. At
the rate that Mercury rotates, we can expect Mercury to complete just 18 years.
We’re lucky it has three satellites that keep track of our weather instead of
using polar orbiting comets. Another thing we must keep in mind is Mercury’s
proximity to the Sun. So when Mercury is far away from the Sun it produces less
heat then the Moon, when it is close to the Sun, we can only get two
millimetres of heat. And since it is mostly composed of rock, and our
atmosphere cannot support more heat, Mercury cannot support more heat then the
Moon. Even though Mercury has a very low gravity, it receives energy from both
the Sun and the Magnetic fields of Jupiter and other larger bodies. Since the
Sun is bigger than Mercury, it causes more heat which can be used to power it.
Therefore, when Mercury is very close to the Sun, it is able to generate more
heat. If Mercury is in such a way close to the Sun that it rains and there is
no longer warmth coming from that place, Mercury is going to lose its magnetic
field. To protect itself against losing its magnetic field, Mercury spins
rapidly to counteract the extra spin. So much so that Mercury has never seen
the Sun spin faster than it did from 2012 to 2013. Because it is spinning fast,
Mercury will receive more heat instead of loss of heat. If Mercury is extremely
close to the Sun and Venus, Mercury will start getting hotter, but it will not
be able to hold on to much water for a few seconds. Without such heat, Mercury
will eventually disappear. As far as gravity is concerned, Mercury is just like
Titan. Both of these planets have the same gravitational force to maintain
them. But unlike Pluto, Venus and Earth, Mercury does not have a moon and
therefore, does not have much gravitational attraction. For a planet that does
not have a natural moon, even though Mercury could possibly have one, it would be
very difficult to find it. There are several missions that can be carried out
to try and locate Mercury even if there was no actual moons to find. Another
thing is Mercury has three moons that make up its rings. The first is known as
Ganymede that is located in the northern hemisphere side. When you get closer
to Mercury, the rings start to appear. These moons may even be larger than
Ganymede. We can confirm this by observing the rings at the edge of the ring
system, where they disappear into the blackness of space. Mercury's third ring
is Cancri e, located in the southern hemisphere region. This one is smaller
than Ganymede and is not visible on the surface. The second ring is named
Callisto, which looks like a spider web to humans. Finally, there is Phoebe,
also known as Diana, which is located in the middle of the ring system. During
the summer months, it becomes dark as the sunlight fades off the surface of the
planet. You can now see the phoebe ring, however, the ring is much faint as
compared to the others. We can also look at the location of Phoebe in order to
tell its properties. Phoebe is approximately 15,000 miles between Earth and
Mars. Meaning that it would be extremely hot on Mars. On Earth, Phoebe will
remain fairly constant in temperature, however, on Mars it will become much
warmer than earth. Phoebe has no rings, so it will be difficult for us to
determine its temperature. In comparison to the rest of the ring systems, it is
not known what its magnetic field would be. Also, its shape would make it
difficult for observations. Furthermore, Phoebe is located on the main axis of
the ring system, a much thicker ring structure than any of the other ring
systems. It is also located within the inner belt of the ring system. So,
Phoebe may have a similar gravitational field to Mercury. There are few
scientific investigations of Phoebe, and it is unknown if there might be life
on the surface of Aphorae Borealis. Phoebe is the fifth smallest planet that
orbits a major gas giant and it has a much smaller density then Mercury. The
difference is that here Phoebe has a very thick thick shell, rather than just a
hard crust. So like Mercury, Phoebe may very well be rocky like. In fact,
Phoebe only has about 7% liquid surface area, which isn't much compared to Mercury.
Like Mercury, Phoebe will still rotate slightly each day. Phoebe isn't too much
of a target to look for. It is possible for us to send probes around Phoebe and
try and determine what is in it like the ones that are sent to investigate the
surface of Neptune and Triton. Phoebe has a much higher gravity than Mercury,
so it requires more fuel than Mercury to move across the Martian atmosphere.
Moreover, Phoebe has a very thin and narrow inner boundary and we can't really
see what the surface would look like. From all that we know so far it does not
seem like there could be a habitable environment like there is on Earth,
because there are no photos of Phoebe to look at. Phoebe has something called
"The Ocean." In addition to Phoebe being in a ring system, Mercury
has an ocean below it. Also, Mercury has a small moon, Triton, it may be an
oasis in the Sahara Desert. Or maybe it's an underwater canyon? All I know so
far is that it is much harder to see Triton as a whole than Phoebe. However,
its composition looks more like a huge lava cloud. So like Phoebe, there is
likely to be little to no life atphoesbe. But Triton does have one thing going
for it. Its surface area is considerably larger. Compared to Phoebe, Triton is
so big that it takes much longer to orbit the Sun and to reach Earth.